Purpose: To clarify the use of Internet resources by staff, volunteers and the public in the San Juan Memorial Library

Policy: The San Juan Memorial Library endeavors to provide collections, resources, and services that meet the cultural, informational, recreational, and educational needs of the diverse communities it serves. Within this context, the Library offers access to all of the citizens of San Juan and of Hidalgo County, with the understanding that it is the individual user’s responsibility to demonstrate judgment, respect for others, and appropriate conduct while using the library resources and facilities. Access is a privilege, not a right, and requires responsibility on the part of the user.

The Internet is a global resource. Resources available on the Internet supplement and complement the collections and resources available at the Library. The Library does not monitor and has no control over the information available over the Internet. The Internet may contain material of a controversial nature. Users should note that not all Internet sources provide accurate, complete, or current information.

Much of the content on the World Wide Web is copyrighted. It is the patron’s responsibility to be aware of any notices concerning copyright and to respect the copyright laws of the United States. The U.S. Copyright Office posts all relevant copyright laws at http://www.copyright.gov/.

It is the Policy of the Library to:

  • Prevent user access over its computer network to, or transmission of, inappropriate material via Internet, electronic mail or other forms of direct electronic communication.
  • Prevent unauthorized access and other unlawful online activity.
  • Prevent unauthorized online disclosure, use or dissemination of personal identification information regarding minors.
  • Comply with Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) / Neighborhood CIPA.

All Library computers with Internet access use a technology protection measure to block, filter or otherwise protect against access to visual depictions that are obscene, child pornography or harmful to minors and to any other materials considered inappropriate for or harmful to minors.

Patrons who are 18 years of age and over may, at their request, have the technology protection measure disabled during their use to enable access for bona fida research or other lawful purposes. Procedures for disabling or other wise modifying any technology protection measures (for use by adults) shall be the responsibility of the Library Director or the Computer Specialist.

Public wireless Internet access is also filtered, and all Library policies concerning legal, acceptable and safe use of computers and the Internet apply.

As is the case with any electronic media system provided by the City, Library users should not have an expectation of privacy when using any form of electronic media.

Supervising Computer Use for Children:

Access for all patrons under age 18 will be filtered. Filtering software may not block all material users find offensive. Librarians cannot act in the place of parents in providing constant care and supervision of children as they explore the Internet. Parents and legal guardians are responsible for monitoring any and all Internet use by minors AND/OR consent given on the part of parents or legal guardians for a Library card constitutes acknowledgement by the parents or guardians that they have a responsibility for monitoring their child’s use of all Library resources, including the public computers.

Acceptable Use of Library Computers:

All electronic traffic originating from the computing lab will be in accordance with acceptable use
standards. Failure to abide by these standards may result in the loss of Internet, computer, or other privileges.

  • Respect for the privacy of others.
  • Compliance with copyright law and licensing for individual data and programs.
  • Consideration for the security and functioning of computers, computer networks, and systems.

User consent to this policy is obtained before logging into a computer; user must agree to abide by the policy. Patrons are expected to adhere to all rules governing the use of the Internet in libraries, including the duration and frequency of sessions. Patrons who violate library policy regarding the use of the Internet or who behave in a disruptive manner will be asked to either modify their use appropriately or have their Internet usage access terminated.

Unacceptable Use of Library Computers:

Computing resources may only be used for legal purposes by the public and staff
in accordance with the ethical standards of the computing lab. Examples of unacceptable use include,
but are not limited to the following:

  • Uses for any purposes that violate applicable federal, state, or local laws including copyright laws.
  • Interfering with or disrupting other computer users, services, or equipment.
  • Attempting to gain or gaining unauthorized entry to other computing, information, or communications sources or devices (hacking).
  • Malicious, threatening, harassing, or obscene behavior or language.
  • Obscene behavior including public display of obscene materials on computer screens or in hard copy.
  • Misrepresentation of oneself or the computing lab.
  • Activities that could cause congestion and disruption of networks and systems.
  • Unsolicited advertising.
  • To access, upload, download, transmit or distribute pornographic, obscene, or sexually explicit language or material.


  • Parents are cautioned to monitor their minor children’s use of the Internet.
  • Users are cautioned to guard closely the security of personal information, credit card
    numbers, computer accounts, passwords, and other types of authorizations when using the Internet.
  • Users are cautioned to take steps to protect their systems from computer viruses
    and other destructive computer programs when downloading programs to disk for use on other computers.
  • Electronic files should not be considered confidential. When required by law, the
    computing lab must disclose all files to the extent required by law.
  • The computing lab is not liable for any direct or indirect and/or punitive damages (including
    lost data or information) sustained or incurred in connection with the use or unavailability of the system

Staff members are to use the Internet for Library related purposes only. Unacceptable use of the Internet is prohibited and is grounds for disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the San Juan Memorial Library.

Use of the Internet stations is on a first-come, first-served basis. Time limits are set so all patrons seeking access will have an opportunity to do so.

Approved by Mayor and City Commission at a public hearing after normal public notice on the 26 day of June, 2012